Jesus Christ, 2nd Ed

In Jesus Christ: God's Love Made Visible the students encounter Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity. This course leads the students toward a deeper understanding of Divine Revelation, the Trinity, the Incarnation, Jesus, salvation, and discipleship as a response to God's love.
In this second edition, the student books have shifted from a section-part-article structure to a unit-chapter-article structure where sections become units and a part is now a chapter.
In addition to the complete text of the print book, the Interactive Edition adds the following features:
• In-text links to official, online versions of Scripture, the Catechism, and Church documents so that students can study quotes from the text in their original context.
• In-text links to online biographies of all the saints mentioned in the student text.
• Photo galleries that explore topics in the text.
• PowerPoint presentations that review key concepts.
• Links to online videos that explore people or concepts in greater depth.